Alateen is for young people aged 11 to 18 whose lives have been affected by someone else’s drinking.
Many of us have received help from Alateen.
Alateen is a WORLDWIDE Fellowship, that protects the anonymity of other Alateen’s, Al-Anon and AA members. . It is a Spiritual Program compatible with all religious beliefs or none. Here are a few questions to help you decide whether or not Alateen is for you.
Sometimes the active drinking has stopped, or the active drinker may not even live with you anymore. Even though the alcohol may be gone, and the alcoholic gone or recovering in AA, we are still affected.
If you answer "YES" to some of these questions, Alateen might be for you.
Do you cover up your real feelings by pretending you don’t care?
Has someone’s drinking upset you?
Do you stay out of the house as much as possible because you hate it there?
Do you make promises about behavior, such as I’ll "get better grades" or "keep my room clean" or "do anything you want" in exchange for a promise that the drinking and fighting will stop?
Do you or your family have money problems because of someone else’s drinking?
Have you considered calling the police because of abusive behavior?
Do you think your problems would be solved if the drinking stopped?
Do you ever treat teachers, friends, teammates, etc. unfairly because you are angry about someone else’s drinking?
You are not the cause of anyone’s drinking or behaviour
Learn effective ways to cope with problems
Share experiences, strength, and hope with each other
For more information, please contact:
The main Al-Anon / Alateen Family Groups website
Or our Regional Al-Anon District 27